Ship Native

OpenInt gives SaaS developers an edge through deepproduct integrations. Connect your app to the Universe.

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Ship Integrations In Minutes

Select Integrations

Configure your integrations & Connectors via the Console

Launch to Your App

Integrations become instantly usable by your customer

Invite Users

Share a magic link with your users or embed it in your app

Embed OpenInt Connect

See the code example below and copy it into your app.

import { OpenIntConnectEmbed } from "@openint/connect";

export default function IntegrationsPage() {

  return (
        token: "<connect_token>",
        theme: "dark"


Connect Your App To The Universe

3100+ Integrations Supported

across direct & aggregator connectors

Transparent Pricing

Start for free and scale as you grow

Starter Plan


Start shipping native integrations in minutes

One Integration Included
Unlimited Connections
Pre-approved Oauth Clients
Magic Links & SDKs
Webhooks & Triggers

Pro Plan


Take your integrations to the next level

Unlimited Integrations
Request any Integration in 72h
Slack Channel Support
$0.05 per MAU (first 500 free)
$2 per MAO (first 50 free)


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